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tiwaladeoluwa adekunle

you tell me go back
to your country

Like it was your idea first   this soft chorus

my body knows by heart


I have travelled the earth counterclockwise     barefoot

    a thing plucked

in search of another house with windows

    rooms that know my name


go back to your country


but my body said it first

after I forgot


        how to wear ankara without feeling like a painting

        on a white wall


        the last time I said my name without say that again

        split it let me see


after I heard

brittany say my hair had been conquered by conditioner    a compliment


conquered     broken

in half           like history


go back to your country


sometimes I think I have

and then I wake up to the piercing breeze in my body


the bruise of all the years of trying

to retrieve from the balled fist that is America

a golden coin

Tiwaladeoluwa Adekunle is a writer and Purdue University graduate student from southwestern Nigeria. Some of her poems are published or forthcoming in Indiana Review, 2017 Best "New" African Poets anthology, and Oakland Review. She was selected as a scholarship recipient for the New York State Summer Writers Institute in 2016, and was also honored to win the 2017 Flo Gault Student poetry prize.

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