Bosch Paints
A Portrait of Me
By Anaïs Nuñez-Tovar
It is not what I wouldn’t expect it is
spiraling hair and eyes opening from skin
brown spheres transform to eggs
and he is there in them, reflected
a brush poised and then a stroke
of red in the middle of all that girl,
blooming from my chest, then – birds perched
to fly off shoulders, grass mushed underfoot
by a creature, Bosch and his love of creatures,
standing points to the sky to my face and on
the tongue, a table and twisted cage upon it,
rusted, twitching in the middle – my words
suppressed, he paints more creatures into
me and they abound, twirl through
my fingertips, reach for reddening
skin, tug at spirals of dark, climb
to my tongue and tug at the small
cage, drip down my chin and play
at my collarbone – his brush
drags landscapes into me, pulls
wildernesses from the throat, petals
of sweetest violets, porcelain shells
and oysters, inks and precious pages,
plump black berries and crystal beads
like so many pomegranate seeds, juice
slipping from my lips, forbidden
fruits choke me and I cough them up,
more little pleasures everywhere – dull, birds
escape, those little devils finally
opening the cage door, and Bosch knows not
how to paint my words so this is
my portrait – the eyes
that are eggs now, Bosch and his love of eggs,
are birthing the image of him painting me,
he sits in them, I knowing not
how to write portraits so he is forever
brushing over me with red and craze,
that blooming red overtaking and I
become a thing of fire.
Anaïs Nuñez-Tovar is a recent graduate from New York University. During her undergraduate years she earned a Bachelor’s degree in English and American Literature and minored in Creative Writing. She currently lives in Austin, Texas but was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. Her love for literature started as a child with a longing for fiction and has grown into an overwhelming desire for and need to write poetry. Often inspired by the culture around her, current events, and her loved ones, Anaïs seeks to question, provoke, lament, and reminisce through her poetry.