And Above Me, Laughter
by Sandra Fees
using words from Jorie Graham
I let go of empty agreements,
let go of their poisoned
granaries, and fathom
instead the incomprehensible—
angels that hover
like paper kites.
There, upclose, long-fingered
the clouds. There, only
painless mistakes
and nothing of metal or carbon,
no cuts of forest
or spidery wounds.
What blooms there takes
possession of this scrap
of time, this one,
right now, this blue home of kindness
where I need no flagpoles
or memorials
where the wavebreak
utters no self-destroying
blows, blows
nothing but water-swell
nothing but
the hiss of invisible and
living stars.
Sandra Fees has been published in Nimrod, Crab Creek Review, River Heron Review, Border Crossing, Whale Road Review, Moon City Review, and elsewhere. The author of the chapbook, The Temporary Vase of Hands, she lives in southeastern Pennsylvania.