Jan 18, 20171 min

Linda Harris Dolan

ode to spottswood.

rocky patches in your fields and the ragweed grows

so thick i think the bush hog won’t make a dent.

how could we not

have loved you?

you with your breeze, with your days
unseasonably warm, and your hard, hard winter,

and your ground so froze.

did you notice?


the glitch, millisecond misfire

in the genome you’d homed

five generations

and here we are

wanting, missing you

from hospital beds and hospital beds and—

we would have come back to you

anyway. we would have laid our-

selves in your hills

anyway. our children,

our children.

Linda Harris Dolan is a poet and editor. She holds an M.A. in English & American Literature from NYU, and an M.F.A in Poetry from NYU, where she was a Starworks Creative Writing Fellow. She’s former Poetry Editor of Washington Square Review and has taught at The King’s College and NYU. She's a 2016 Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominee.